$ 43.00 CAD

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The Dark Angels Legion Transfer Sheet is a product available for the tabletop wargame Warhammer 40,000. Transfer sheets are used by hobbyists and players to apply faction-specific decals and markings to their miniatures, enhancing their visual appeal and personalizing their armies. Here's what you can expect from a Dark Angels Legion Transfer Sheet:

Faction-Specific Icons: The Dark Angels Legion Transfer Sheet typically includes a variety of faction-specific icons, symbols, and chapter badges associated with the Dark Angels Space Marine chapter. These decals can be applied to shoulder pads, vehicles, banners, and other parts of your Dark Angels miniatures.

Unit Designations: The transfer sheet may include unit designations, such as squad numbers, company markings, and other identifiers used to distinguish different units within the Dark Angels army.

Chapter Iconography: You can expect to find the iconic Dark Angels chapter emblem, often featuring the image of a winged sword, among other chapter-specific symbols.

Script and Heraldry: Some transfer sheets may include script and heraldry associated with the Dark Angels' secretive nature and their hunt for the Fallen. These elements add depth and character to your miniatures.

Application Instructions: Transfer sheets typically come with instructions on how to apply the decals to your miniatures. They may require a wet or dry transfer method, depending on the sheet and the manufacturer's recommendations.

Personalization: Using a Dark Angels Legion Transfer Sheet allows you to personalize your miniatures and give them the distinct look and feel of the Dark Angels chapter. You can customize your units to fit within the chapter's lore and narrative.

The Dark Angels Legion Transfer Sheet is a valuable tool for hobbyists and collectors who want to add the finishing touches to their Dark Angels army. It helps bring out the iconic imagery and heraldry associated with this particular Space Marine chapter, making your miniatures stand out on the battlefield and in your collection.

Please note, due to Games Workshop policy we are not allowed to ship this product outside of Canada.