$ 57.38 CAD

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Grimaldus, also known as Chaplain Grimaldus, is a revered figure within the Black Templars Chapter of the Space Marines, renowned for his unwavering faith, martial prowess, and indomitable spirit. Alongside him, his retinue consists of dedicated warriors and specialists who serve as his loyal protectors and aides. Here's an overview of Chaplain Grimaldus and his retinue:

Chaplain Grimaldus: Grimaldus is a Chaplain of the Black Templars, serving as a spiritual leader and warrior priest within the Chapter. He is a fervent believer in the Emperor's divine will and dedicates himself to the eradication of the enemies of mankind with unwavering zeal.

Unwavering Faith: Grimaldus is known for his unshakable faith in the Emperor and the Imperial Creed. He inspires his fellow Black Templars with his impassioned sermons, rallying them to acts of heroism and sacrifice in the Emperor's name.

Martial Prowess: Grimaldus is a formidable warrior in his own right, wielding a crozius arcanum—a symbol of his authority as a Chaplain—in battle with deadly skill. He leads from the front, charging into the thick of combat to smite the enemies of the Imperium with righteous fury.

Inspiring Presence: Grimaldus's presence on the battlefield serves as a rallying point for the Black Templars, instilling courage and determination in his fellow warriors even in the face of overwhelming odds. His unwavering resolve and fearless demeanor inspire all who fight alongside him.

Retinue: Grimaldus is accompanied by a retinue of dedicated warriors and specialists who serve as his protectors and aides. This retinue may include veteran Space Marines, Apothecaries, Techmarines, and other specialists who provide support and assistance to the Chaplain in battle.

Protectors and Aides: Grimaldus's retinue is tasked with ensuring his safety on the battlefield and assisting him in carrying out his duties as a Chaplain. They watch over him vigilantly, ready to intervene at a moment's notice to protect their spiritual leader from harm.

Brotherhood and Camaraderie: The members of Grimaldus's retinue share a deep bond of brotherhood and camaraderie forged in the crucible of war. They trust one another implicitly and fight as one cohesive unit, united in their devotion to the Emperor and the Chapter.

Battlefield Effectiveness: Grimaldus and his retinue are a formidable force on the battlefield, combining the Chaplain's spiritual guidance and martial prowess with the combat skills and expertise of his loyal warriors. Together, they form a potent fighting force capable of overcoming any obstacle in their path.

Symbol of the Black Templars: Grimaldus and his retinue embody the virtues and values of the Black Templars Chapter, serving as shining examples of honor, courage, and sacrifice. Their actions inspire awe and admiration among their fellow warriors, reaffirming the Chapter's unwavering commitment to defending humanity and the Imperium.

In summary, Chaplain Grimaldus and his retinue represent the epitome of Black Templars devotion, courage, and martial prowess. Together, they stand as stalwart defenders of the Emperor's realm, ready to face any challenge and overcome any foe in the name of the Imperial Creed.

The kit is comprised of 40 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Chaplain Grimaldus and his three Cenobyte Servitors, and is supplied with one Citadel 40mm round base and three Citadel 28mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.

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