$ 46.75 CAD

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Termagants are the smallest and most numerous of the Tyranid organisms within the Tyranid Hive Fleets in Warhammer 40,000. Here's an overview:

Role and Function: Termagants serve as the basic infantry units within Tyranid swarms, providing ranged firepower and overwhelming enemy forces with sheer numbers. They are often deployed in large broods to saturate enemy defenses and create openings for larger Tyranid organisms.

Physical Description: Termagants are small, insectoid creatures with a vaguely humanoid form. They possess a chitinous exoskeleton and multiple limbs, with two pairs of arms ending in clawed hands. They are armed with fleshborers, bio-weapons capable of unleashing a storm of biological projectiles upon enemy targets.

Ranged Firepower: Termagants are equipped with fleshborers, which are biological ranged weapons that fire a hail of bio-projectiles at enemy units. While individually weak, the sheer volume of fire from a large brood of Termagants can overwhelm enemy infantry and even threaten armored targets with their sheer numbers.

Tactical Deployment: Termagants are often deployed en masse, forming the backbone of Tyranid invasion forces. They are used to saturate enemy positions with firepower, tie up enemy units in prolonged engagements, and secure objectives on the battlefield through sheer numerical superiority.

Integration with Tyranid Forces: Termagants coordinate their attacks with other Tyranid organisms, forming the bulk of Tyranid swarms and providing support for larger Tyranid bioforms. They work in tandem with synapse creatures, such as Hive Tyrants and Broodlords, to ensure that the swarm operates as a cohesive whole.

Resilience and Durability: Individually, Termagants are relatively weak and lightly armored compared to other Tyranid organisms. However, their strength lies in their numbers, and they are often deployed in large broods to compensate for their individual vulnerabilities.

Adaptability: Termagants are highly adaptable organisms, capable of fulfilling various battlefield roles depending on the needs of the swarm. They can be equipped with different bio-weapons and biomorphs to suit different tactical situations, such as devourers for anti-infantry firepower or spinefists for anti-air defense.

Infamy and Terror: While individually unimposing, the appearance of swarms of Termagants on the battlefield is often a terrifying sight for enemy forces. Their relentless advance and overwhelming numbers can quickly turn the tide of battle in favor of the Tyranid swarm, striking fear into the hearts of all who oppose the Great Devourer.

This kit comprises 79 plastic components, and comes with 10x Citadel 28.5mm Round Hex Hole Bases, and a Citadel 40mm Round Hex Hole Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints

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