Warmachine / Hordes

Warmachine Khador Iron Fang Uhlans Cavalry Unit New
$ 84.00 CAD
$ 96.00 CAD

Warmachine is a game of steam-powered, mechanized warfare. Players command armies of giant steam-powered warjacks, magical mechanized constructs, as well as units of soldiers, wizards, and other characters. Each army is led by a powerful warcaster who can control the warjacks and cast powerful spells to support their troops. Hordes, on the other hand, is a game of savage, primal combat. In Hordes, players command armies of powerful beasts, including warbeasts, fierce monsters, and even dragons.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. What is Warmachine and what is Hordes?

    "Warmachine" and "Hordes" are two tabletop miniature wargames produced by Privateer Press. Both games are set in the same fictional universe and share similar rules, but they have different factions, characters, and units.

    Warmachine is a game of steam-powered, mechanized warfare. Players command armies of giant steam-powered warjacks, magical mechanized constructs, as well as units of soldiers, wizards, and other characters. Each army is led by a powerful warcaster who can control the warjacks and cast powerful spells to support their troops.

    Hordes, on the other hand, is a game of savage, primal combat. In Hordes, players command armies of powerful beasts, including warbeasts, fierce monsters, and even dragons. Each army is led by a powerful warlock who can control the warbeasts, harnessing their raw power to crush their enemies.

    Both Warmachine and Hordes are tactical games that involve careful positioning, resource management, and strategy. Players must balance offense and defense, manage their resources, and make tactical decisions to outmaneuver their opponents and achieve victory.