$ 80.00 CAD

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The Chaos Warshrine is a formidable centerpiece unit within the Slaves to Darkness faction, serving as both a rallying point for the forces of Chaos and a potent battlefield support platform. Here's an overview of the Chaos Warshrine:

Mobile Altar of Chaos: The Chaos Warshrine is a mobile shrine dedicated to the Chaos Gods, adorned with blasphemous symbols and icons of worship. It serves as a focal point for the dark energies of Chaos, drawing power from the realms of the Ruinous Powers to empower nearby warriors.

Bearer of Dark Blessings: The Chaos Warshrine is crewed by acolytes and cultists who tend to its unholy rites. It carries with it the favor of the Chaos Gods, bestowing dark blessings upon the warriors who fight in its shadow. These blessings can take many forms, from enhanced strength and resilience to heightened martial skill and unholy fervor.

Icon of Inspiration: The presence of the Chaos Warshrine on the battlefield inspires fear and awe in the hearts of its allies while sowing confusion and despair among its enemies. Warriors who fight in its shadow are filled with the indomitable will of Chaos, fighting on with renewed vigor even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Sacrificial Altar: Atop the Chaos Warshrine sits a sacrificial altar where offerings of blood and flesh are made to the Chaos Gods. These grisly sacrifices serve to appease the dark deities and strengthen their favor, ensuring that the blessings bestowed upon their followers flow freely.

Empowerment Beacon: The Chaos Warshrine radiates waves of dark energy that empower nearby warriors, infusing them with the boundless power of Chaos. This energy can be channeled into devastating attacks or used to bolster the defenses of the Slaves to Darkness, turning the tide of battle in their favor.

Avatar of Ruin: In times of dire need, the Chaos Warshrine can become a focal point for the manifestation of a daemonic avatar of the Chaos Gods. This towering behemoth of living metal and dark energy is a terrifying sight to behold, laying waste to all who dare oppose the will of Chaos.

In summary, the Chaos Warshrine is a versatile and powerful unit that serves as both a rallying point and a force multiplier for the Slaves to Darkness. With its dark blessings and empowering presence, it ensures that the warriors of Chaos fight with unmatched ferocity and tenacity, spreading fear and destruction wherever they tread.

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to build a Chaos Warshrine, featuring a massive amount of customisation options - icons, horns, spikes and braziers adorn the Warshrine itself, and the Chaos Sorcerer atop the model has a choice of heads and hands. Sixty-three components in total, with a Citadel 120x92mm Oval base. 

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