$ 50.00 CAD

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The Tyranid Prime is a formidable leader unit in the Warhammer 40k universe, representing the pinnacle of the Tyranid Warrior strain. It's stronger, faster, and smarter than its brethren, making it an exceptional swarm leader for smaller Tyranid infestations. This creature acts as a synaptic node, enhancing the effectiveness of nearby Tyranid units by providing crucial battlefield commands and boosts, ensuring the collective hive mind's strategy is executed flawlessly on the ground.

In recent iterations of the game, including the 10th edition of Warhammer 40k, the Tyranid Prime has been featured prominently. A new variant introduced is the Winged Tyranid Prime, which adds mobility and a terrifying presence on the battlefield. This version can engage enemies quickly with its enhanced flying ability, making it a strategic asset that can alter the flow of battle by deploying rapidly via deep strike tactics.

The Tyranid Prime serves not just as a physical threat but also plays a critical role in the Tyranid synaptic network, ensuring that the lesser creatures maintain the aggressive and relentless nature characteristic of their species. This creature's adaptability on the tabletop allows players to utilize it in various strategic configurations, reinforcing its role as a versatile and indispensable leader within the Tyranid army

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