$ 59.50 CAD

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The Deffkilla Wartrike is a formidable Ork vehicle in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, known for its speed, ferocity, and ability to lead Ork mobs into battle. Here's an overview:

Description: The Deffkilla Wartrike is a rugged and heavily armed vehicle, resembling a combination of a motorcycle and a heavily armored war machine. It is piloted by a particularly daring and skilled Ork known as a Speedboss, who leads the charge into battle atop this fearsome vehicle.


  • Speed: The Wartrike is incredibly fast, capable of tearing across the battlefield at breakneck speeds. Its speed allows it to outmaneuver enemy forces and strike where they least expect.
  • Armor and Weapons: Despite its relatively small size compared to other Ork vehicles, the Wartrike is heavily armored and armed to the teeth. It boasts a variety of dakka-based weaponry, including twin big shootas and a rokkit launcher, allowing it to unleash devastating firepower on the enemy.
  • Ramming Speed: One of the Wartrike's most feared abilities is its ability to ram into enemy vehicles and infantry with devastating force. It is equipped with a massive spiked ram on its front, capable of smashing through enemy lines and crushing anything in its path.

Role: The Deffkilla Wartrike serves as a fast attack vehicle and a command platform for Ork forces. Speedbosses ride into battle at the head of Ork mobs, inspiring their fellow greenskins with their daring feats of speed and ferocity. In addition to leading charges and launching hit-and-run attacks, the Wartrike can also provide fire support for Ork units with its powerful weaponry.

Orkish Kultur: The Wartrike embodies many aspects of Ork kultur, from its love of speed and violence to its penchant for crude but effective weaponry. Orks believe that if something is fast, loud, and capable of causing destruction, it's sure to be effective, and the Wartrike certainly fits this philosophy.

Combat Tactics: In battle, Deffkilla Wartrikes are often deployed as vanguard units, leading Ork assaults and smashing through enemy lines with reckless abandon. They excel at hit-and-run attacks, darting in to unleash devastating firepower before speeding away to safety. Their presence on the battlefield inspires fear and awe among both Orks and their enemies, as few things can match the raw power and ferocity of a charging Wartrike.

Overall, the Deffkilla Wartrike is a terrifying and iconic Ork vehicle, embodying the greenskins' love for speed, violence, and unpredictability. Whether leading a charge into battle or tearing through enemy lines, the Wartrike is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

This kit comes as 78 components and is supplied with a Citadel 150mm Oval base.

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