$ 53.55 CAD

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In the brutal underhive of Necromunda, the Goliath Stimmers & Forgeborn stand tall as imposing figures, embodying brute strength, resilience, and unwavering loyalty to their house. These towering warriors, augmented by cybernetic enhancements and chemical stimulants, are the frontline enforcers of House Goliath, feared and respected by all who dare to challenge their dominance.

Forged in the fires of the foundries and workshops of the hive city, the Goliath Stimmers & Forgeborn are bred for combat and labor from birth. Clad in heavy armor and armed with crude but devastating weapons, they are a relentless force on the battlefield, capable of shrugging off wounds that would fell lesser men and delivering bone-crushing blows with frightening efficiency.

Enhanced by a potent cocktail of combat drugs and stimulants, the Stimmers are berserkers of unparalleled ferocity, their minds clouded by chemical-induced rage as they charge into battle with reckless abandon. Meanwhile, the Forgeborn are skilled artisans and engineers, their cybernetic enhancements granting them unparalleled strength and dexterity as they operate heavy machinery and wield powerful weapons with precision.

Led by their ruthless overlords, known as Forge-Fathers, the Goliath Stimmers & Forgeborn operate with brutal efficiency and unwavering loyalty to House Goliath. Whether enforcing the will of their masters, defending their territory from rival gangs, or waging war against the enemies of their house, they are a force to be reckoned with in the lawless depths of Necromunda's underhive.

In the grim darkness of the underhive, the Goliath Stimmers & Forgeborn stand as living legends, their formidable strength and indomitable will making them a force to be feared and respected by all who dwell in the shadowy streets of the hive city.

This kit is supplied as 112 components that make 2 Goliath Stimmers, one armed with paired pulverizers and one armed with assault grenade launchers, and 4 Goliath Forge-born, two armed with storm-welders and two armed with heavy rock saws. It comes supplied with 2 Necromunda 40mm bases and 4 Necromunda 25mm bases.

Rules for using the Goliath Stimmers and Goliath Forge-born in games of Necromunda can be found in Necromunda: House of Chains.

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